UnitedFutbol Academy is proud to announce its 1st Annual Adult Tournament
The United Turf Classic
Open to all skill levels, players 18 up!
- December 12 & 13, 2020 at various venues in Cumming, Georgia!
- All games will be played on TURF FIELDS.
- Fee: $350 per team REGISTER HERE
- DEADLINE: Midnight November 28, 2020
- Round robin tournament, with teams guaranteed 3 games minimum.
- Format: 7 v 7
- Four Divisions available: Open, Co-Ed open and Over 30 men and Co-Ed.
- The top bracket in each division will compete for a CASH PRIZE!!
- Winners of 2nd and 3rd bracket get a voucher for next year's FULL registration.
- Individual awards for 1st and 2nd place teams will be given for each age bracket.
- Registration is open to all players 18 years old and up
- All teams that register and pay in full by October 23, 2020 will receive a $50 discount off the registration fee.
- Bring more than 5 teams and get 1 team for FREE!
Tournament Director - Leena Mitchell, adult@unitedfa.org
Non Georgia Soccer Teams can affiliate here in order to particiapte.
Traveling out of town for soccer tournaments is expensive and time consuming.
The UFA Tournament Series offers strong soccer competition at top notch facilities near home. Choose the best tournament for you at forsyth.unitedcfa.org/tournaments.
